Monday, March 4, 2013

Why Pregnant Women time things weekly instead of monthly.

This is Mommy writing again. I decided to make a blog because my very good friend Terri suggested I do so! And I figured it'd be fun. I live all the way out in Australia at the moment.. (very far from my home-town in Orlando, Florida) so this blog may definitely help keep everyone I know on the same page.

Right now, I am at 26 and a half weeks! In easier terms I have about 2 and a 1/2 to 3 months left of the 9 months of being pregnant. I know there are many people who ask WHY do people go week by week? It's so confusing? lol. Well, it's because so many changes will happen to a woman's body each week! That's why! 

I will give you some scenarios!

  • [ FATIGUE ] - Around 8 weeks of being pregnant I was very, very, very tired each & every day. I could barely stay awake for 8 hours! I was sleeping all the time. Baby Kiara was sucking up ALL OF THE ENERGY I had available! It was pretty crazy!
  • [ NAUSEOUSNESS ] - I also felt very nautious every single time after I'd eat. It did not feel good.. and so eating too much would not be a good thing. Luckily with me, although I felt sick, I never had morning sickness to the point where I had to (excuse my lingo) but barf. lol. I generally just felt like I was sick most of the time.
  • [ ENLARGEMENT ] - Every part of your body starts to stretch and you will feel it for a while. It was probably a lot like what the incredible hulk felt when he was ripping out of his clothes. For the record I lost a few clothes items that ripped. And I was sad to see them go. But on the bright side... it just made way for a new wardrobe. haha! 
((Me at 4 weeks of pregnancy in my 1st Trimester))


  • [ BLEEDING GUMS ] - I had a very sudden case of painful tooth-aches. I was terrified at how awful I felt. I could barely enjoy a meal nor sleep an entire night. It was very difficult. I found out it was due to the blood that your body is pumping throughout your body to help the baby grow. I had to go to the dentist against my will - as my husband pushed me on! lol. It was awful! I am glad it's over for now. He made an appointment for me 2 months after I have the baby. I'm not happy nor looking forward to it. For now.... the key is, to floss after every single meal & snack.. and you will prevent tooth pain while pregnant.
  • [ CONSTIPATION ] - I never knew woman had to go through yet another pain in pregnancy. This was another terrible & yet embarrassing issue to go through. It was difficult to use the bathroom at all. I'd sometimes have to sit on the toilet for an entire couple of hours. The pain in my stomach actually felt worse then having a baby in itself! Mind you, I have one child by the name of Gregory who is going to be 21 this year. So I have experience in child-birth. Yet, I NEVER had experienced this amount of pain during pregnancy till now. Age definitely changes a person! The way to get around this was to drink prune juice. Then once that started to help. I from then on ate lots of fruit & increase my fiber. Ever since, I've been on the right track! :)
  • [ MOOD SWINGS ] - I'm not a very moody person.. but I can definitely whine a lot when I feel emotional. lol. By the grace of God, He has been helping me stay somewhat mellow. But I've still had my days where I'd just cry for the smallest reasons. hee-hee!

    ((This is me at 23 weeks Pregnant in my 2nd Trimester))

MORE TO COME on this later!!!!

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