Monday, March 4, 2013

Another Doctor's Appointment...

No..... I haven't really mentioned all of the millions of doctor's appointments we pregnant woman have to go to. But trust me there are so many! Is it really necessary? I think not. lol.

Anyhow, today I have a "Glucose Tolerance Test" appointment in a few minutes. And I'm not a happy camper! I am not looking forward to drinking an overly sugar-filled drink at 8:00 in the morning. UGH - YUCK! Nor am I looking forward to the shots afterward. :P May the Lord be with me! lol.


  1. I am so excited to meet my grand-daughter Kiara Grace! I'm praying for her & looking forward to having her in my arms. God bless you, David & Kiara as they day approaches. We are going to be buddies & best friends! I love you, mom

    1. Thank you! And yes! I can't wait. Except that I just hope if we still live out here that she will not call you as much as "Priscilla" does.. or else our phone bill will be up the roof!!! hee-hee! lol. ;D xx <3

  2. Oh ouch that does sound awful! Your Blog is beautiful Esly, Love it, so perfect. I didn't know about the precious moments online store. I usually only see the figures in the mall at like hallmark or something. I remember my mom was in love with the precious moments bible and she got one for all her grand kids. It has a super cute questions and answers section and it motivated her to draw and write! Praying for you, love you Much. its so funny cause I find all kinds of cute home made things in Australia on and I think wow what cool things people make where Esly Lives!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. oh.. it was so gross! They make you drink this really overly sweet drink and you have to get a shot before, then wait an hour (without drinking water or moving around), then you have to get another shot after the hour is up.. and then wait 1 more hour & then get 1 more shot! So we were in the doctor's office for an entire 3 hours! It was so miserable! And I felt really heavy in the stomach after that! I was so thirsty too! And so hungry & so tired! I'm so glad it's all over! I never want to do that again!

      Hey did you see the 'Custom Silhouettes' they have on They're really cool! I know a few people who can do them.. but they say you need 'surgical scissors' and 2 different colored cardstock paper preferably the black on white. And of course a trashcan & that spray glue stuff. :D

      oh.. ps. thank you for your kind words about the blog.. and thank you for the suggestion! :D You're always filled with great ideas!!!
