Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My niece, "Priscilla Joyce" when she was little.

okay, I had to share these adorable photos of my niece when she was little. She's a lot older now.. but this was back in the day only 7 months after I got saved believe it or not. lol. Anyhow, this is my sister's baby, "Priscilla Joyce" when she was only a teeny little thing! She will be an aunt soon enough to my little girl soon. 

My sister took these photos while I held up the sheet in the background.
We did this in the front yard of where she lived. Can you tell these photos are amateur? haha!

The reason she was taking these was so that she could enter
the pics into a competition they were having on Fox News.

Sadly, she didn't win.. but was a pretty close runner up! lol. 

My sister, Lory was really great at finding props like the ones you see displayed in these pics at the dollar store. She's definitely a super-saver when it comes to shopping. I love all the cute range of colors... So pretty & bright. But since it's tough to find these particularly phenomenal colors here where I live, I am trying to stick to the pastels for my baby. 

This last photo was one that I took of Priscilla holding onto her Father's shoulder - taken at SeaWorld in Florida during one of their "Annual Easter Sunrise Services" they have during Easter! It was one of the 1st times I heard Kirk Cameron preach live. It was pretty awesome! And as you can tell, it was a GORGEOUS sunny day!


  1. Ahhh She is so adorable I bet you miss her soo much! Great Photo shoot you guys took! She is such a doll baby!!!! Her hair is so Gorgeous now like yours! The pics made Daniel giggle.

    Lov Ter

    1. lol. She's always been so adorable! :) She's funny too.. and so smart! What an amazing little girl! :)

  2. Priscilla is all grown up at 7 years of age now & quite lovely, singing for our God everyday. In fact, she is a fantastic writer, so she's decided to write songs for Jesus! She is a natural composer & musician, for she adds tunes to all her songs.

    I know she will enjoy meeting her cousin Kiara! Me? I will enjoy both grand-daughters!

    1. She's so talented & smart! I can't believe how much she's grown since the time these photos that were taken! It's so crazy! :P
